Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Migration / Immigration Assessment ♥

Once upon a time, in a land far far away, called FB Land, there lived a handsome young king, Adam Lambeast with his gorgeous wife, Megan Wolf. The country was full of grasslands for farming, so their economy was mostly based on agriculture. The king and queen ruled the small kingdom really well since they were the nicest and kindest rulers that could ever existed. However, they weren’t very wise for not giving lots of strict rules. That was why Lady PawPaw, the weirdest and meanest citizen in FB Land, who lived in the outskirts of this kingdom stood up and started the very first civil war. The war destroyed half of the kingdom, and most of the lands that were used for farming, so people couldn’t produce plants or herd animals anymore, and that caused no more money was earned nor used.

Since they couldn’t live that miserable life anymore, some of the citizens started to flee and immigrate to another kingdom; most of them relocated at Tineneryna Island. Adam and Megan kept their positions as rulers of the land, and this time, they realized that they should make up some more strict, but reasonable rules for the people to follow. Plus, they also cared about their people’s education more after then Lady PawPaw’s incident: they opened schools for everyone to study, no matter if they were poor or rich. Since Tineneryna was an island, which means it was near the ocean, and also this island was really big, so it had quite a lot of rivers, too, the ability of developing agriculture was very high. Because they left their old kingdom, death of citizens was no longer a big concern for the king and queen. However, FB Land was destroyed and no more plants could be grown there, and that caused a very negative effect on the process of desertification. In the other hand, they had a hard time adapting to the new climate, too. Their old kingdom used to be on the top of the mountain, now they had to live near the sea, which was really challenging, because the climates were completely opposite. Although they had to face a lot of difficulties migrating to another place, but they all knew that this external migration was a good decision to make.
One of the pull factor was seeking for peace (:


ViVi Hearts Nguyen said...

HAHAHHAHAH :] you made me laugh :)
good story, very entertaining i guess :]

Henry "Henny" Luu said...

GOOD STORY!, Very interesting :)

Justine Truong said...

Awww aren't those names represent us gurls?! (: very cute and emotional! (; I like Adam Lambeast and Megan Wolf! LOLZ <3

Mary Tran said...

thanks guys! <3
I know that you love them Justine ;)

Mia Duong said...

awww~~~agree w/ Justine, i love U're characters, adam lambeast, Lady PawPaw =]

Mary Tran said...

hihi thanks Mia :P LADY PAWPAW! YEAA! <33

Shane said...

awwww! Tineneryna! nice way of using celebrities in your story :P you include a lot of details but you might want to make it a little bit shorter :P nice story anyway <3

Unknown said...

I love your story, Mary! Funny characters, yet all factors required are included!!!

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