Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Message from Mother Nature? ♥

1) The main point of the article is that many scientists have the theory of extreme weather is linked to climate change and global warming, but they still don't have proofs for it.

2) monsoon - winds that change directions due to the seasons
reluctant - unwilling, be forced to do something
skeptics - a person who doubts about everything
parched - extremely dry

3) Weather is the change of atmosphere conditions in a short period of time. Climate is the repetition of weather in a long period of time, for example: decades, hundred years, etc.
4) Some examples of extreme weather:
  • In Russia, a record-breaking heat wave with a record-breaking drought destroyed millions destroyed millions of plants, especially wheat, and sparked wildfires that killed dozens. 
  • In the U.S, floods battered New England, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Oklahoma, while the huge heat wave baked the entire eastern part of the country.
  • Torrential monsoon rains in Pakistan caused the worst flooding in decades, killing more than 1,500 people and uprooting millions.

5) I've never been through any wild, or extreme weather before, but I've experienced the craziest rain ever. I was on my way coming home when suddenly a torrential rain poured down from the sky. My dad and I put on our raincoats as fast as we could and continued to ride the motorbike. Because my house is placed on a very low land, so the whole area was 'covered' in water. It definitely felt like a flood in the city. The water was so high that it reached my hip, caused our motor's engine dead; we had to push the motorbike all the way to my house. It was a very rare and special rain that I've ever experienced. 

6) 'Perception' means the understanding of something.

7) My perception of global climate change is that the climate is really changing. Even though that there's not really any proof, but based on what the weather has changed in many years lately, I can predict that the climate is starting to change slowly. In my opinion, this climate changing is kind of linked to global warming, because according to the article, the climatologists theorized that the added heat would cause more record highs than lows, which means the trend is toward warmer climate.


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