Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How does advertisement affect your consumption? ♥

How does advertising influence consumption?
- In my opinion, advertising has a really big influence to our consumptions. If there weren't too many advertisements and commercials, people wouldn't buy too many products and use a lot of different resources like right now. All of the advertisements show the audience all of the good sides of their products. They always tell the useful and efficient things that the products can do or give us, so not anyone can realize how those products can affect the environment and society.

Do you think citizens are sufficiently informed about the sustainability of our consumption habits? If not, how can we become more informed about sustainability issues?
- No, I don't think so. Most of them only know about what can those products that advertisements show help their lives, but not what if those products are sustainable or not. I think the best way to help people to become more informed about sustainability issues is through advertising, because it is the best way that companies can communicate with us. Instead of always showing the good side, those companies should give the audience about some facts from the bad side also.

Do you think these advertising techniques influence what you and your friends purchase?
- The advertising techniques influence a lot to what my friends and I purchase. Advertisements usually use celebrities or really attractive models to introduce the products, and I think that it's one of the best technique to get the audience the attention and think that if celebrities use that product, then it must be good and I should use it, too.


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